I've recently got The Guerilla Art Kit by
Keri Smith. I like the idea of public art, or individual interaction with public space and we came across this on the way out of the art museum. I'm not sure I would have even noticed it because my head was elsewhere, but my entire family noticed it and all took off their
MFAH stickers and added them to the post. I added mine last and smiled while my family checked out all the different stickers. My brother thought that the one on the head of the crosswalk guy was the coolest. I wondered who was the first one to add their sticker to the pole, and if the City of Houston would concern themselves with it enough to clean it up. I wondered if I came back in a year if a years worth of stickers would be there. It is really just a tiny colored circle for each person who walked past after visiting the museum. An anonymous history of passers by, but we enjoyed our participation in this impromptu collaborative guerrilla art light post.
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